thinks - retired
Monday, January 17, 2005
Google News spotted this one, and I had to bite. I'm not sure who the author of this piece is, but I'm not impressed. The author mentions that the Mac mini isn't a good deal. He or she argues that it's not cost effective and that it won't work as advertised with most PC owners' keyboards, monitors, mice, or software. He is also seriously missing the point. The Mac mini (and the iPod, and the iMac, and the PowerBook), have changed the game recently. I mean, is it just me, or has Apple suddenly become relevant again? I remember these PC vs. Mac debates and their religious fervor well from the late eighties and early nineties, back when it was a winner-take-all kind of battle. Now, though, you can get a Mac and do all the things that your Windows friends do, too. You can surf the Web using Safari or, better yet, Firefox. You can get your email (given the popularity of Hotmail, Yahoo, and gMail) using any computer you like. You can connect with to a wireless network. You can use Office and share documents with your co-workers easily. You can burn DVD's and CD's (no more format issues). Does the platform matter anymore? Apple's betting that the answer is "no" and that consumers will soon realize that, too.
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